News list for " US stocks"

The three major U.S. stock indexes closed collectively lower

The three major US stock indexes closed down collectively, with the Nasdaq index down 2.2% and falling 2.51% this week, the largest weekly decline since November last year; the S & P 500 index fell 1.71% and fell 1.66% this week, the largest weekly decline since mid-January; the Dow fell 1.69% and fell 2.51% this week, the largest weekly decline since late October last year. Large technology stocks fell, with Tesla, Nvidia, and Intel down more than 4%, Netflix, Google, and Amazon down more than ...

2025-02-21 22:25:52
U.S. stocks continued to decline, with the Nasdaq down 2%, the Dow down 1.77%, and the S & P 500 down 1.59%.

U.S. stocks continued to decline, with the Nasdaq down 2%, the Dow down 1.77%, and the S & P 500 down 1.59%.

2025-02-21 19:24:56
US stocks continued to decline, with the Nasdaq falling 2%.

U.S. stocks continued to decline, with the Nasdaq down 2%, the Dow down 1.77%, and the S & P 500 down 1.59%.

2025-02-21 19:27:59
U.S. stocks continued to decline, with all three major indexes falling more than 1%.

U.S. stocks continued to decline, with all three major indexes down more than 1%. So far, the Nasdaq is down 1.35%, the Dow is down 1.28%, and the S & P 500 is down 1.06%. Tesla is down more than 4%, and Google and Amazon are down more than 2%.

2025-02-21 18:00:31
Daily U.S. Stock Market Highlights (Friday, February 21)

Stock News 1. Lilly (LLY. N) 's new generation of weight loss drugs can significantly lose weight, and the side effects are equally obvious. 2. Booking (BKNG) 's fourth-quarter revenue was $5.50 billion, up 15.1% year-on-year. 3. Goldman Sachs (GS. N) is restructuring its healthcare investment banking business, promoting the leadership team of three bankers. 400 million millionaire Ryan Cohen sings a lot about China's economy, investing 1 billion dollars in Alibaba (BABA. N). 5. Luckin Coffee (L...

2025-02-21 13:45:44
Has Buffett found a new opportunity, or is he really as "bearish" as some people say? Everything may be revealed tomorrow... click to view...

Has Buffett found a new opportunity, or is he really as "bearish" as some people say? Everything may be revealed tomorrow... click to view...

2025-02-21 14:28:26
The three major U.S. stock indexes opened mixed, and Coinbase rose more than 4%.

The three major U.S. stock indexes opened mixed, with the Dow down 0.81%, the Nasdaq up 0.22%, the S & P 500 down 0.08%, and large technology stocks mixed. Coinbase rose more than 4% as the Securities and Exchange Commission plans to drop a lawsuit against the company.

2025-02-21 14:32:17
U.S. stocks close: Three major stock indexes fell together, Alibaba rose more than 8%

On February 21, the U.S. stock market closed on Thursday, with the Dow initially closing down 1%, the S & P 500 index falling 0.4% and the Nasdaq index falling 0.47%. Walmart general merchandise (WMT. N) fell 6.5%, Tesla (TSLA. O) and Amazon (AMZN. O) both fell more than 1.5%. The Nasdaq China Golden Dragon index closed up 1.6%, Alibaba (BABA. N) rose 8.1%, Global Data Solutions (GDS. O) rose nearly 13% and NetEase (NTES. O) fell more than 2%.

2025-02-20 21:00:36
The three major U.S. stock indexes collectively closed lower

The three major U.S. stock indexes collectively closed down, with the Dow down 1.01%, the Nasdaq down 0.47%, and the S & P 500 down 0.43%. Most of the big tech stocks fell, with Amazon, Netflix, Meta, and Tesla down more than 1% and Google down slightly. Intel rose more than 1%, while Apple, Nvidia, and Microsoft rose slightly. AppLovin fell about 9%, its worst one-day performance since December last year.

2025-02-20 21:29:33
Daily U.S. Stock Market Highlights (Thursday, February 20)

Stock News 1. Alibaba (BABA. N) 's total revenue in the third fiscal quarter rose 8% year-on-year, and cloud business revenue returned to double-digit growth of 13%, of which AI-related product revenue achieved triple-digit growth for six consecutive quarters. 2. Bilibili (BILI. O) Q4 revenue was 7.734 billion yuan, an increase of 26% year-on-year; adjusted net profit was 452 million yuan, and overall profit turned positive. 3. Ali's quarterly report showed a sharp increase in capital expenditur...

2025-02-20 13:43:46
Morgan Stanley equity strategists say the retail frenzy for U.S. stocks is a warning sign not to bet on the tech sector. Click to view...

Morgan Stanley equity strategists say the retail frenzy for U.S. stocks is a warning sign not to bet on the tech sector. Click to view...

2025-02-20 01:01:29
U.S. stocks close: S & P 500 hits new closing high, Intel falls 6%

Feb. 20 news, U.S. stocks closed on Wednesday, the Dow initially closed up 0.16%, the S & P 500 index rose 0.24%, setting a new closing high for two consecutive trading days, the Nasdaq index rose slightly. Intel (INTC. O) fell 6%, Tesla (TSLA. O) rose nearly 2%, Palantir (PLTR. N) fell 10%. Nasdaq China Golden Dragon index closed down 0.38%, Alibaba (BABA. N) fell nearly 1%, (JD. O) rose 0.7%.

2025-02-19 21:00:58
All three major U.S. stock indexes closed up slightly

The three major U.S. stock indexes all ended slightly higher, with the S & P 500 up 0.24%, continuing to hit a record high; the Dow rose 0.16% and the Nasdaq rose 0.07%. Intel fell more than 6%. Palantir fell about 10%, its biggest one-day drop since August last year.

2025-02-19 21:03:03
The three major indexes of US stocks collectively rallied

The three major indexes of U.S. stocks collectively rose, the S & P 500 index rose 0.25%, the Nasdaq index rose 0.18%, and the Dow index rose 0.01%.

2025-02-19 19:38:23
The three major U.S. stock indexes opened lower

On February 19, the U.S. stock market opened, the Dow fell 137 points, the S & P 500 fell 0.2%, and the Nasdaq fell 0.2%. Some star technology stocks weakened, Intel (INTC. O) fell 4.9%, Micron Technology (MU. O) fell 0.7%, Meta Platforms (META. O) fell 1.4%. Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index rose 0.2%.

2025-02-19 14:30:33

7x24 Newsflash

01:29 2025-03-25
Cronos Labs任命Mirko Zhao为新负责人
据官方消息,Cronos Labs宣布任命Mirko Zhao为Cronos负责人兼产品与工程主管,接替离职的Ken Timsit。 Mirko Zhao在区块链和DeFi领域拥有丰富经验,他将负责推动Cronos Labs的产品战略和孵化计划。
01:29 2025-03-25
比特币的交易所流入量是反映近期交易意向的关键指标,根据14天均值计算,该指标已从去年12月份日均58,600枚BTC下降至26,900枚BTC,这意味着发送到交易所的比特币数量下降了54%,市场流动性收缩和投资者谨慎情绪增强。 此外,反映当前市场结构的一个流动资本指标是比特币的“热供应量”,即每周流动的比特币数量,数据显示该指标在2024年12月...
01:26 2025-03-25
Ethena Labs发推表示USDtb供应量超10亿美元,占比BlackRock BUIDL份额超70%。
01:10 2025-03-25
据链上分析师余烬监测,一名巨鲸在5小时前赎回4721枚ETH(约991万美元)并转入交易所Bitget。该地址过去3个月以均价$2,621从Coinbase Prime与Binance提取共6849枚ETH(约1795万美元)并进行质押,目前持仓已浮亏约357万美元。
01:06 2025-03-25
01:03 2025-03-25
重要新闻1. 李强签署国务院令,公布《实施中华人民共和国反外国制裁法的规定》。<span class="section-new...
重要新闻1. 李强签署国务院令,公布《实施中华人民共和国反外国制裁法的规定》。2. 上金所:同意中国人民财产保险股份有限公司等四家公司入会。3. 央行:本月起MLF将采用固定数量、利率招标、多重价位中标方式开展操作。4. 权威专家:MLF不再有统一的中标利率,其政策属性完全退出。5. 财政部:2025年财政政策要更加积极,支持全方位扩大国内需求,大力提振消费。6. 人社部加大金融助企稳岗扩岗力度,最高可贷5000万元。7. 财政部:1-2月证券交易印花税收入238亿元,同比增长58.9%。8. 蚂蚁回应AI训练降本:基于不同芯片持续调优,已开源。个股新闻1. 比亚迪:2024年净利润402.54亿元,同比增长34.03%,拟10派39.74元。2. 大丰实业:与智元机器人签订战略合作协议。3. 东晶电子:3月26日起被实施退市风险警示,股票简称变更为“*ST东晶”。4. 8天6板海洋王:目前无“深海科技”相关业务和产品,与“深海科技”概念无关。5. 奋达科技:格力金投及其一致行动人格金六号减持计划期限届满,合计减持3571万股。6. 玉龙股份:股票将于3月27日开市起停牌,投资者可于3...
01:00 2025-03-25
00:59 2025-03-25
每日港股市场要闻速递(3月25日 周二)
1. 小米集团 (01810.HK) :折价6.6%配售8亿股筹资425亿港元。2. 比亚迪股份 (01211.HK):2024年实现营业收入7771.02亿元,同比增长29.02%;净利润402.54亿元,同比增长34.00%。3. 比亚迪电子 (00285.HK) :2024年收入为1773.06亿元,同比增长36.43%;净利润42.66亿元,同比增长5.55%。4. 康师傅控股 (00322.HK):2024年收入806.51亿元,同比增加0.3%;净利润37.34亿元,同比增加19.8%。5. 舜宇光学科技 (02382.HK):2024年收入382.94亿元,同比增加20.87%;净利润26.99亿元,同比增加145.51%。6. 宝龙地产 (01238.HK):2024年亏损约53亿元至56亿元,主要由于对物业项目计提减值、投资物业公允价值减值。7. 粤海置地 (00124.HK):2024年收入67.59亿港元,同比增长74.3%;净亏损13.83亿港元,同比收窄43.4%。
00:52 2025-03-25
00:46 2025-03-25
黑石集团总裁乔恩·格雷(Jon Gray)警告投资者不要对特朗普的关税闹剧做出“膝跳式反应”的决定,而是建议等待,看看潜在的谈判结果如何。他表示:“要有一点耐心。”“观察这种关税外交的演变,并在更长的一段时间内做出投资决定。我认为,在这样一个时期,危险在于你做一些短期的事情,你会...
00:45 2025-03-25
00:39 2025-03-25